Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We made it!

Well, we made it! Mitchell and i survived our first semester of vet school! :) I couldn't have done it without him. How did I get so lucky? God truly does have a plan for everything. It's amazing how things in life work out. Mitchell and I have so much to be thankful for - for the past, the present, and the future. So many good things to look forward to!

I couldn't sleep tonight, so I thought I would do a little catching up on the blog since I've neglected to do so for about the past 5 months. Tonight, I'm just extremely lucky to have such a suppoortive husband and best friend! We celebrated with a night out for dinner and a few glasses of vino :).

The holidays are hard for me - missing my family like crazy! But, the great news is that I get to see them on Friday! I'm so excited! I can't wait to get my Miles, Emerson, and Reagan fix :) And, I can't wait to spend time with my siblings and parents!!!

I did some Christmas shopping today and I'm back at it tomorrow. I love getting people gifts! It's the best!

I have 3 weeks off! How exciting is that?! I'm going to get a lot of running in, reading some enjoyable books, work on finishing the upstairs, completely cleaning out the attic spaces,etc., hanging with friends, visiting my old stomping grounds-Merial, Catching up on some Greys Anatomy, and just relaxing. I can't wait!

Happy Holidays!

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