Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Wonderful Weekend before school starts tomorrow!

We had another great weekend - as always :)!! For those of you who have noticed (wink wink), you will be surprised to know that Mitchell and I didn't go to the lake this weekend! I had Friday off which was lovely! After finding out that my amazing parents are coming to visit us next weekend, I super cleaned the house, ran errands, ran, and enjoyed being home with the dogs. I froze a bunch of meals for Mitchell and I to eat over the next two weeks just to help us keep some 'normalcy' during this transition of me going back to school and commuting 40 minutes every day. Saturday was another relaxing and productive day. Amy Tuggle and I went antiquing and I got a new desk chair! Exciting! Mitchell had a great time riding roller coasters at Six Flags for Lauren's birthday. I did not go with the group because, yes, I am scared of rides! And, I do experience motion sickness - even on ferris wheels - haha! We did have a great time celebrating Lauren's bday with the gang and playing Catch Phrase. The girls should have won! But, that's ok! Mitchell and I slept in till 10am this morning! We missed church, but I guess we just needed to sleep. I normally do not sleep past 7am on a given day and that's a even a stretch!! We got a lot done around the house today - cleaned the garage and got ready for our week to start. Tomorrow, I start orientation! I'll let you know how it all goes! Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun! How has your week been going? Kyle and I have been thinking about you and praying for you! We miss you both and love you too!
